The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) is a collaboration of Australian and New Zealand investors focusing on the impact that climate change has on the financial value of investments. It was established
in 2005 by ten founding investors to better understand the investment implications of climate change and has now grown to 72 members representing over $2 trillion in assets under management.
IGCC’s mission is to catalyse investor action to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, support responsible management of the long-term risks of climate change, and drive sustainable returns for investors and the beneficiaries they represent.
IGCC was the recipient of a Sustainability & Environment (S&E) grant in FY20, recognising the impact of the financial market and investments on climate action, both from within Australia and from pressure globally. S&E recognised the IGCC's aim to encourage government policies and investment practices that address the risks and opportunities of climate change, encourage best practice approaches to facilitate the inclusion of the impacts of climate change in investment analysis by the investment industry, and provide information to assist the investment industry to understand and incorporate climate change into the investment decision.